Tuesday, July 7, 2015

On the road…Lake Easton State Park

Headed out of Sequim yesterday and took the Bainbridge ferry to Seattle and zipped through town to I90 heading EAST!  Not a long day…  drove through spectacular Mountain country with NOT ONE place to pull off to view the vistas!  And I couldn't take a picture while driving… so anyhow.  

Theo and I got into Lake Easton State Park around 1pm.  Took a nice walk down to the river.  Theo got his moment of Zen.

He likes that cold, clear, fresh water!  Ahhhh…

The little river is dammed to form Lake Easton..

This morning we took a hike up a hill to see the lake.
The photo's a little dark because it was very early morning

Now we are on the road - planning to dash across hot eastern Washington into Idaho today… I'm at a rest stop and the mountains have given way to flat sagebrush country.  Its warming up!

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