Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bear! Bear! Bear!

I finally saw a bear!  I was just turning away from admiring the mountain early yesterday morning and I saw movement… I looked and saw a black dot moving along the mountain…looked with my binoc's and saw a mama black bear with her two cubs!  Here's a picture of the little dot!

I watched them for 15 minutes, eating and walking.  The cubs even wrestled a bit for me.  ; )

We had another nice rain for an hour yesterday and it was quite windy.  The rain and sun made some nice colors on one of the distant mountains across the lake… I've started some watercolors of the scene.  Something about rainy days makes everything already look like a watercolor…

I got my watercolor "studio" going in Mac, thought I had a photo ready of it, but don't, so that will have to wait.  I've also been makings notes and drawings in my journal...

….and contemplating what to do next with this mountain painting, or to call it good for now…

My mom said it was time to post a photo of myself again, so I set up the timer to get one of me and Theo in Mac.  I woke Theo from a nap and he was not cooperating!  I thought this was a funny photo!

He was happier later when we went down for his moment of Zen…

…and I want my nephew Daniel to know that Theo still plays with the toy he gave him.  Yesterday he went to sleep with his head on it.

It is really nice to stay put for awhile and get to know a place - esp. such a breathtakingly beautiful spot.  I like having a view and privacy from my campsite too…

I stumbled across this quote I like, and it seemed to fit the moment!

"I'm sick of following my dreams.  I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later."  - Mitch Hedberg

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