Thursday, July 30, 2015

Adieu Montana, Hello North Dakota...

Had another pleasant drive across the remainder of Montana yesterday.  Really enjoyed the Big Sky Back Country byway.  Very little traffic and a variety of stuff to see.  When I started out, there were these power lines with the old glass insulators on them, which were showing up a turquoise green.  Quite remarkable, but couldn't capture in on camera… That color seems to be calling to me right now… be curious to see what happens with that!

We did some more of the long, gentle roller coaster hills.

And the day's "Big Sky" was blue this time...

We stopped for lunch at Makoshika State Park, our last stop in Montana - it was the start of the "badlands" type of country, and there are evidently a number of dinosaur bones that have been found in the area…

We bid adieu to Montana and crossed over into North Dakota, headed towards the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  Here is some of what we saw (well *I* saw it anyway, T was snoozing  - his kind of roads) on the way...

I had passed through so much cattle country that I decided to buy a very small filet mignon.  I haven't had a filet in a long time - probably over a year, but I figured, "When in Rome..."  It was pretty good my first night in the Park.

I called Robin for advice on how to cook it, it had been so long…she helped and it came out well.  I was telling her that this park was sort of like a small, gentler bad lands - with more green vegetation, etc.   "Oh," she said, "more like the 'naughty lands'!"  Love it!  Yep, that's it exactly…

View from first night's spot.
So I grabbed a spot for the first night and then went scoping for a spot to plunk down in the next day… early the next morning, I was up at dawn (of course)…

Saw some folks packing up and grabbed their spot when they left - a nice spot with a good view and shade - which we'll need.  Will be upper 80s later today.

View from camping spot #68

T got his moment of Zen in the Little Missouri river last night which flows next to the campground…

Happy hound.

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