Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nice to have a break

Gosh its nice to stay put for a couple days!  Really need to slow down the pace…

Theo slept all day yesterday.  Glad to see the bounce back in his step today.  We had an early morning walk around a small hill to see the other side of the lake.  There's a little more water there, but you can see its still about 50' below normal… 

Its been so nice to relax.  I had a little campfire last night, and I realized that's the first one I've had on this trip - and I'm over 3 weeks into it!  Rushing too much… Look at the beautiful old oak tree by my site.  Its a beauty...

I've also had time to observe more of the critters around here.  We have gophers!  And I was admiring some beautiful swallows.  I looked them up:  Violet-Green Swallows.  We don't have those on the east coast… I couldn't get a photo, so here's a link from All about Birds to the Violet-Green Swallow.  I've also seen some sapsuckers, an eagle, heron, scrub jay, and a whole host of vultures warming themselves in the sun in a large tree this morning.

Within an hour of putting out my little hummingbird feeder, I had a visit from a black-chinned hummer.  Sweet!

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