Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Colorado Rockies

Oh my, it was a gorgeous day passing through the Colorado Rockies.  The entire drive is spectacular - I think I stopped at 90% of the scenic outlooks!  Thrilling.  Here's one photo I took, I believe its of Independence Pass… now doesn't that seem appropriate somehow?

I mean really, my jaw was dropping all day…

I mean after hours and hours of this yesterday through Kansas (i didn't even bother photoshopping out the bug smear on the windshield!):

To come upon the one above and this:

Theo and I are now comfortably set up in our campsite along the Colorado River.  We are surrounded by reddish-color cliffs with green bushes.  There are big-horned sheep in those hills!  I saw them!  The light was not right tonight to capture the color, but here's an idea of it…I'll try again in the morning.

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