Friday, May 29, 2015


Just so you know - my brother came through his hip surgery fine, and he's recovering well.  I talked to him this morning and he had such a good attitude and was looking forward to some PT and a full recovery.  Phew!  Such a relief!

When I went to take Theo for our first walk of the day, look who was walking up the street by Mac!  Aunt Helen said they sleep in her yard…

...and then, Finally!  It felt so good today to have some down time to get the paints out and get to work.  I'm seeing that I really do need a little time to get the momentum going to paint.  So today I did some little "catch - up" on paintings, including doing a little study of George Husmann as a thank you to my brother's professor friend who helped us solve our Mac parking issues in Columbia, MO.  Thanks Richard!  George was involved in the successful winemaking in Missouri before prohibition.

then this afternoon we went into town and bought some larger canvas….that's going to be sooooo nice… We got set up on a card table on Helen's porch.  T had some needed down time to snooze.

Helen was telling me that her mother, Mae, would travel around and paint.  See - its in my blood!  Here's one of Mae's paintings.

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