Monday, August 17, 2015

Scioto Trail State Park, Ohio

I am so disappointed I missed the 1,000 foot snake effigy built by prehistoric people near here… I arrived in Scioto Trail State Park about 1pm, and THEN I read about the Serpent Mound… but it would have been pretty far out of my way… I'm just saying…sigh.

Anyhoo, Theo and I were up at our usual early hour and enjoyed a lovely sunrise over the Maumee River.

We needed some exercise and it was still cool out, so we headed out on the "nature trail."  It seems as though the trail had taken a beating - not sure if from tornado or flood, but it looked a little droopy… Here was the first sign:

…and here's a close-up of the first sign:

Man, they weren't kidding - it was everywhere, and very healthy!

Felt like it was going to reach out and grab me!  Well, between that and the chomping mosquitoes, we decided it might be a good morning to get an early start on the road.  We pulled out at 8 am.

Set the maps program to "no highways" and started due south through Ohio farm land.  Ya know, there's a lot of corn fields in Ohio.

I won't post more pictures - just multiply that one by about five hundred… It was a nice day though, blue skies and bright sun, but with interesting clouds in the distance.  

Theo would've loved it, except that we kept coming to stop signs.  Any change in momentum and he has to sit up and see what's going on…so he didn't get much sleep.  He's Konked out now, waiting for his dinner.

So we landed at Scioto Trail State Park about 1pm and found a nice shady spot with electricity.  Few other campers on a Monday of course, so its nice and quiet.  Here's our spot:

This is a nice little park.  Its a relief to have some hills and lakes after all the flatness, and people obviously take pride in their park here, its well maintained.  It's "nestled in a beautiful 9,000 acre State Forest" according to the brochure, which is: 

...densely forested hill country reminiscent of the southern Appalachians supporting a magnificent stand of oak and hickory…the forest floor displays woodland wildflowers including spring beauties, Dutchman's breeches, wild blue phlox and wild geranium…Mushroom hunters delight in the abundance of the delicious morel mushroom.
Dang, I wish it was Morel season…

Theo likes it too, and gave the lake his seal of approval.

T's moment of Zen at Scioto Trail's Caldwell Lake.

Its now 4:45 eastern time.  Amazing how quickly Theo adapted to eastern time.  He's ready for his 5pm dinner.  Well ok then!  Let's eat!

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