Here I am again...
...I've covered a few miles, young'uns, and here I am back at the first campground where I stopped my first night out from home. I had planned to be home today, but a little hiccup with Max delayed me a bit. Somehow it feels good to be in this cool, rainy spot tonight. I'm at the Camp Creek State Park in West Virginia, this shot was snapped at their falls.
Theo's konked out - has nothing to say after a couple of days of long drives. He'll be happy to get back to his own yard tomorrow...
Today marks a year since Jim died. I still find it hard to believe he's gone. He had such a vibrancy to him, that you just can't believe it.. He's been on my mind today, remembering our travels together and the good times we shared. I'm grateful for the time we had together.
What more can you say? These things are so totally out of our control...
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