Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kinda like this...

I was working on a forest scene last week - actually it was a painting I had started a year ago and liked the start - with soft greens and lights on a 4' x 5' canvas.  It was a combination of acrylics and collage of tissue paper.  I decided to try to finish it up for the CenterFest show in Durham this week-end.  I worked on it for several days and it was ok, but I found it boring.  I shared it with my mom and even she agreed that it wasn't very interesting…  here's where we were at that point:

 OK, it was "nice" but blah…  so I decided I'd just start over - I gessoed over the entire canvas and decided to paint a face over it… I got a nice under layer of color on once the gesso dried, and then thought that maybe I should remove some of the thicker areas of tissue paper before painting the face.  But when I started to scrape away the tissue, I got a lovely surprise - a very interesting mixture of colors and the more I worked on it, the more I liked it.  Ended up with a composition that works too.  I love it!  It has an Asian feel to me…

Transmigration - 4' x 5' Mixed Media 
Acrylics and collage on canvas

Have a couple more canvases started to try this approach - working hard to get them ready for CenterFest.  Then October is the month I need to work on some paintings for patient people waiting for commissions.  Its going to take awhile to get caught up with those and galleries wanting new work.  Its a nice problem to have - I'm not complaining!


Just Me said...

Love, love love it!

Just Me said...

Sally, that 'just me' comment is from ME.

Sally Anger said...

Thanks Barb! I'm kinda excited about this new series too - working on some more...