I'm working on a new mixed media piece I'm titling "On the Mend." I kinda like the fact that the photo above is fuzzy - its not done yet - its a work in progress (WIP), so it shouldn't be clear yet. Its not clear to me.
I wrote in my journal yesterday that I was starting to get into this piece. What I'm enjoying is that I'm doing this just for me - I figure its part of my healing process and I'm not going to think about what a potential judge, critic or future buyer might think about it. So if I'm just playing around, then anything goes.
So I experimented with one of my drawings, watercolor and thick paper and tissue paper and "mending" torn pieces together... then I added some broken glass and I got some lovely effects. That's the thing - with art so often you try to think it all up before hand, but its only in DOING it that you find new discoveries and new ideas. One little idea leads to the next, then the unexpected happens and then you have something new. There is no way to "think it up" before hand. If you want to improve, you have to just go with the flow. Besides, its much more fun.