Friday, January 2, 2015

What do you get…?

What do you get when your cross the Pamlico Sound (by ferry) with:

 - an oyster roast with friends where one triggers a discussion about this glorious river where I live

- discussions about art and philosophy with a trusted relative and writer

- an "art date" with a girlfriend who is pushing the envelope on her art


- a chance encounter with V.S. Gaitonde via the New York Times
(  see this article ) ?


That plus many days (years?) of experimentation and then the decision to go back to oils resulted in this 18 x 36 River Blues. I'm kinda liking it…

Or it could even work this way.  Which way do you like best?

1 comment:

Peter said...

Great pallet - very Sally, minimal - and up for grabs - you've come a long way along the path... Funny that you cannot see the mountain on the summit you have get back to base camp to truely enjoy the mountain climb...