Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What a boost!

Just when you need a boost someone comes along and makes your day.  I got this email yesterday from the gal who bought Ferdinand at the CenterFest show in Durham last year.  So fun and kind!  She said I could share it…Here's what she wrote:

Hi Sal!

I recently finished doing a housing swap with a woman from New Mexico. 

After her week stay at my house checking out Durham, I thought you would find it fun to know that she left a "thank you" note behind and commented on how much she LOVED my bull artwork.

I had a conversation with her on the phone today just seeing how the exchange went and she mentioned the bull again.  She said she absolutely LOVED the artwork and I should include that in my listing describing my home for future exchangers and people who might be fans of art.  She said she loved how much his face was kind and inviting and not an angry bull.  His eyes were intriguing and the colors were so vibrant and beautiful.  Yep, that's what she said!!!! 

Just wanted to share.  Often when you come in and out of a room daily, things start to become commonplace and your eyes become accustomed to seeing the same things.  She reminded me just how much I fell in love with Ferdinand and renewed my appreciation for such an amazing piece of art THAT I OWN!!!!!!

Ferdinand at home.

I'm looking forward to doing the show again  - its September 20 - 21 in downtown Durham.

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