Friday, July 6, 2012

Eden's gaze...

I have a fun story about the sale of my 6' x 6' painting Eden's Gaze painting this week.  It all started earlier this spring when a gentleman called me and said he was looking for a painting by me for his wife as a surprise.  He and his father came by my studio and looked at some of my work.  He liked the Eden's Gaze painting, and tried to nonchalantly call home to ask how wide the space was over the fireplace.  His wife told him not to buy any art without her!  Then later I got an email from her about a different painting of mine which she admired.  At the time it was tied up in a show so I couldn't sell it.

Once I got the painting out of the show, I dropped the wife an email to let her know it was available.  Later, unbeknownst to her, her husband contacted me to purchase it for her as a surprise.  He made several payments on it and we arranged for them to come by (still as a surprise to her) on Tuesday of the 4th of July week.  The Monday before I got a call from the husband telling me that independently from him, his wife was going to call to set up a studio visit to look at some work - he asked me not to spill the beans!  Sure enough, a half hour later she called and we arranged to meet that afternoon...

Long story short, she ended up really liking Eden's Gaze, so they bought it.  I thought it was great fun.

1 comment: said...

Cool - you have been working on Edens Gaze for a while - I remember talking about it when we visited last summer.
