Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Great time at CenterFest in Durham

Had a great show at CenterFest.  The weather was beautiful and had many sales.  Yay!   While I was in my booth, a photographer named Riley Maclean (see his work at http://rileymaclean.com ) shot this photo of me.  Kinda fun…

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Finishing up for CenterFest

Packing up to head to Durham tomorrow for the CenterFest show.  I enjoy this show - its well organized, the people are friendly and I seem to connect with quite a few folks with my art. 

Here's one of  a series I did inspired by photographs by staff photographer Christine T. Nguyen with the Durham Herald-Sun (used with permission, of course!).

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nice press!

The opening for the Soul of a Woman show is tonight at Carolina Artist Gallery in Morehead City, 5-8pm.  Last night's local paper had a nice photo of my 4' x 5' painting in it (the photo of it in the paper was big - about 5 by 8 inches).  Here's the online version:  Soul of a Woman.

Still busy finishing up work for next week's CenterFest show in Durham.  I'm excited about the series I'm doing.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New series for CenterFest show in Durham

I've been hard at work on a new series for the CenterFest show in a couple weeks.  I was browsing through the Durham paper - the Durham Herald Sun - looking at photographs and liked the work by photographer Christine T. Nguyen.  I contacted her to see if I could use some of her images as jumping off points for some face paintings.   She checked with her editor and we worked it out.  I am so happy to have this inspiration!  Here is one from the series - they are all still "Works in Progress" - but I'm feeling good about the paintings.