Here's something that's not finished, I'm still playing around with it...
On my trip back from the Grand Canyon, my beloved camper van, Max, broke down. The "harmonic balancer" went out. I had it repaired on the road, and then got back here and the repair wasn't done correctly so I had to have it all done over, and then some. Luckily the crank shaft wasn't damaged, so Max is good as new now (though my checking account took a hit!)...
Anyhow, after picking Max up last week, the mechanics explained what happened and gave me the plate that covers the area that needed work. Its actually an interesting design, and it intrigued me... so then a few nights ago I had a dream about a painting in which a deep turquoise, rusty golds and off-whites played a part, and I decided to try to paint what I saw... this isn't quite what I saw in the dream, but its a fun evolution from it. Still working on it. Quite a change for me - I like stretching out in new directions and seeing where it takes me.